Monday, May 11, 2009



“I just don’t know how you could not shoot him again”, my girlfriend said when, one day, going up the avenue, we found him walking the dog. That’s more or less the feeling I get every time I come across Luis. When he told me he was going to Paris in June, I couldn’t resist and suggested him “Until then, every time we meet I’ll take you a picture”. Here’s his answer. I win, you win and the Taylor wins. And I hope Luis wins too.


  1. anyone know what this guy's name is? he's so cute...

  2. his name his Luís. Luís Borges

  3. engraçado como olhei para esta foto e reconheci imediatamente a pessoa. não o conheço, mas certo dia vi-o em plena avenida da liberdade a passear o seu cão e é impossível o Luís passar despercebido!
